Drabuation đŸ€„đŸŽ“ What now?

Ahh university. The time of year where 18 year olds have had less than a few months to decide what they want to make of their life. Many decide to go ‘just to keep Mum happy’ others like to whine, brace and stay out till all hours that they weren’t allowed to under their parents roof. Nevertheless it’s an experience. 

Some years go past, well you blink and you graduate and you find yourself smiling with a peice of paper ready to conquer the big wide world. But recently there seems to be a real similar mood amongst post grads. A drabuation if you will. This real difficult transition from moving out of uni and into the real world. You’re suddenly back at home after having so much independence realising you making noodles in the kitchen at 3am isn’t so normal. 


I feel a lot of post graduates may relate, and it’s something that may not be spoken about enough. I’d consider myself strong minded and not phased by much but I could see how this sense of constantly being in a limbo after graduating could depress someone. And with mental health the topic of recent it’s something that should be looked at. This idea of should knowing what you want to do with the rest of your life because you got a degree is lying heavy on your shoulders along with the expectation of your family. Then you may start doubting yourself. 

Jerome hasn’t got an outfit for #GetLit2017HertsMeetsBeds

You want to pursue a career in your degree and after the 26th company finally responds to your email, it gets to a stage where they ask you, “so what experience do you have?” My g, I just spent 9 thousand pounds a term and 4 years studying to become a professional in this field this IS the experience I need! Personally I feel their could be a lot more support for graduates when leaving university. At such a pivotal stage in your life from deciding a career from a job, that person needs as much support and options as possible. 

Caption not needed

Across the UK, the number applying to higher education has fallen: from England by 6%, from Northern Ireland by 5%, from Scotland by 2% and from Wales by 7%. And with numbers falling it seems like some people are steering away from the governments false promises that comes with going to university. But graduates we can do nothing but keep your head held high. Sometimes we forget the sleepless nights we had, the 9am you rolled up to with henny still in your system. It was all for that certificate. And no one can take that from you. It’s cool to not have your shit together yet. You may look around and see other people progressing quicker than you but everyone moves at their own pace in life. Only you know what’s best for you. 

  • Keep organised. Job applications, documents, CV’s keep them all together. Nothing worse than losing important shit when you need it
  • Be selfish. The next couple years will really drive you to where you’ll head in your life. Be picky. You know what’s best. 
  • Surround yourself with good vibes. Negative people bring added stress. 
  • Be proactive. Keep yourself ticking, find a hobby there’s plenty to see and do. 

So fuck a ‘drabuation’ and persevere. Good things come to those who wait, assess the situation, then go get. 


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